..ada orang kata cuti sekolah seronok,especially hujung tahun..betui ka? tah..pada aku bosan aje! dok rmh bela badan,bertenet, jadi surirumah, and everyday is just the same..hui so bored! futhermore banyak preparation nak kena buat untuk: final exam bulan Januari 2012, new baby coming into the family and the cooking routine..no holiday or enjoying some of the time outside..sebab belum gaji (hehe!) so, Insyaallah,plan nak start saving some money kalu nk p holiday with the family..tapi tau2 je la..duit ni berhantu! perkara yg unexpected selalu terjadi..anak sakit,kereta sakit, rumah pun kdg2 boleh sakit jgk..last2 aku yg sakit hati! alahaiiii....utk next year mmg kena hati2 sebab the spending on anak2 akan bertambah, harga barang pun tobat akan naik! Rezki Allah ada dimana-mana..yg penting kena pandai jaga the money flow..unless you are born with a mountain of gold..hehe! hmmm..but bersyukur la dgn apa yang aku ada sbb ada ramai lg org kat luar sana yg tak bernasib baik mcm aku..
2012..hopefully will bring a new leaf for me..better school and workplace surrounding, a healthy baby, another 2 semesters to enjoy, my parents who are very supportive will always stay healthy and happy, my siblings, WE will always stay united and connected because I love you so much! my son who is attending his first kindergarten experience..Umi hopes u will enjoy it,dear! and to my hubby....i love you so much!
And my fellow friends..enjoy your life yaa....